
Limit Chat Model Access

Limit the model usage by number of messages or characters.

Limit the model usage by number of messages or characters

With TypingMind Custom, you can control which chat model certain users can use and number of messages or characters they can send.

This guide will walk you through the process of setting tags for your team members and control AI model usage using these tags.

Step 1: Set tags for your team members

To set tags for your team members, follow these steps:

  • Go to the “Members” section from the Admin Dashboard.
  • Choose a member that you want to assign a tag.
  • Click “Update Tags” and assign a name to the tag.

Limit the model usage by number of messages or characters

Step 2: Control chat model availability with tags

To control a chat model availability to certain users, do as follows:

  • Go to the “Usage & Limits” section from the Admin Dashboard.

  • Select a chat model you want to limit usage

  • Under the Availability section, click to the drop-down list and select:

    • Available to users with tags: once you add tags, users in these certain tags are allowed to use the model

    Limit the model usage by number of messages or characters

    • Available for all user except users with tags: user tags entered in this option will not be allowed to use the chat model.

    Limit the model usage by number of messages or characters

Step 3: Limit number of messages that certain users can send

You can set limit for the number of messages or characters certain users can send:

  • Message limits: certain user groups are only allowed to send a specific number of messages during a period of time.

    Simply click “Add Limit” and enter the user tags that you want to apply that limit. For example, set 25 messages every 3 hours limit for users with “Public” tag.

    Limit the model usage by number of messages or characters

  • Character limits: certain user groups only allowed to send a specific number of characters per messages

    Simply click “Add Limit” and enter the user tags that you want to apply that limit. For example, set 25 characters per message limit for users with “Customer” tag.

    Limit the model usage by number of messages or characters

You can also restrict users access to certain prompts and AI Agents