We are increasing our price! Join before 6th July to lock in the old pricing with unlimited AI agents and plugins.

Revolutionize your marketing strategy

  • Improve your marketing strategy
  • Generate new marketing ideas
  • Enhance your content writing
  • Gain actionable insights
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What TypingMind Custom can do for your marketing team?

Content creation

  • Copywriting: Generate persuasive and engaging text for advertisements, blogs, social media posts, email campaigns, and product descriptions.
  • Visual Content: Use Dall-E and Stable Diffusion plugins to create high-quality images and graphics for use in marketing materials, social media, and websites.
  • Schedule and post content across various platforms by creating your own plugins with automation tools like Zapier.
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Marketing strategy

  • Content Planning: Create content calendars and plans based on data insights and trends to ensure your marketing strategy is aligned with your audience’s interests.
  • Trend Analysis: Analyze vast amounts of data to identify emerging trends and topics that are relevant to your audience based on your internal data or the Web Search plugin.
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  • Keyword Research: Generate lists of relevant keywords and phrases based on search engine data, helping you to optimize content for search visibility.
  • Ad Bidding Strategies: Analyzing conversion tracking data and suggest a bidding strategies for search engine marketing (SEM) campaigns to maximize ROI.
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Lead Generation

  • Lead Identification: Analyze historical data and user behavior to identify prospects likely to convert into customers.
  • Targeted Outreach: Create personalized messages based on user segment data.
  • Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: Embed a chatbot to engage with visitors in real-time, answering questions and capturing lead information 24/7.
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Bring an AI chat portal into your marketing team

Build a collaborative AI workspace for your team

  • Built-in prompt library: create shared prompts and templates for high-quality AI responses.
  • Build-in AI Agents: specialized for tasks like generating SEO content, providing marketing plans, brainstorming new ideas, and more.
  • Built-in Plugins: extend AI abilities with plugins like Real-time Web Search, Market News, etc.
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AI Workspace
Admin Dashboard

Centralized control with the Admin Dashboard

  • Branded interface and custom domain
  • Manage team members and their access
  • Prepare shared prompts, AI Agents, and Plugins
  • Set up Single Sign-on
  • Monitor model usage insights
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Connect with your marketing data

  • Analyze performance metrics and optimize conversion rates
  • Extract key information from extensive datasets to refine marketing strategies
  • Monitor data from marketing campaigns to adjust tactics accordingly
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Marketing Data
AI Models

Use multiple Large Language Models (not just ChatGPT)

  • ChatGPT-4
  • Anthropic Claude 3
  • Google Gemini 1.5 Pro
  • LLaMA 3
  • and more!
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Track and monitor member usage

  • Restrict member usage per AI model to prevent overuse and unexpected expenses
  • Analyze how your team members interact with AI tools to maximize efficiency and effectiveness
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Member Usage
AI Automation

Automate parts of your workflow

  • Generate reports for your campaign performance
  • Create Powerpoint for Weekly Report or Product Pitching
  • Automate social posts with Zapier
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why us

Why is TypingMind Custom the best fit for your marketing team?

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  • Data-Driven Insights

    Integrate with your existing data sources, providing actionable insights that drive more informed marketing strategies.

  • Efficiency and Productivity

    By automating certain tasks, such as content creation, email campaigns, and social media management.

  • Brand Consistency

    Add branding information and integrate internal data to make sure all marketing materials are consistent with your brand guidelines.