
Set Tags for Members

Assign tags and manage access for individuals in your team

Assign tags and manage access for individuals in your team

As an admin, assigning tags to members offers an effective way to:

  • Organize and manage members more proficiently
  • Control access to specific prompts, AI agents, or other resources

Guide to Assigning Tags to Members

Follow these steps to assign tags to your members:

  1. Log into your chat instance's Admin Panel.
  2. Navigate to the 'Members' section.
  3. Identify the member you wish to assign tags to by their email and click the 'Update tag' button.
  4. Enter the tag you want to assign them and click Add

Assign tags and manage access for individuals in your team

  • Please note: You can assign multiple tags to each member.

Why Should Set Tags for Your Members?

Assigning tags to specific member groups lets you control their access to resources within your chat interface:


You can control the visibility of each prompt for each targeted group of users with different tags.

Here’s how to set tags for each prompt:

  • Navigate the Prompts Library menu
  • Click ‘Add Prompt’ or ‘Edit’ the existing prompt
  • Scroll down to the Visibility section and select ‘Visible only to users with tags’ from the drop down list
  • The User tags section shown up, enter tags that you have just set for specific members at step 1

Example: if you want only members with the "content" tag to access the Content Improver prompt, add the "content" tag to that prompt.

Assign tags and manage access for individuals in your team

Here’s how the members with “content” tag will see on the chat interface:

Assign tags and manage access for individuals in your team

—> Check out other ways to manage prompts library

AI Agents

Manage access to the AI Agents library by assigning different user tags for each AI agents.

Here’s how to set tags for each AI agent:

  • Navigate the AI agents menu
  • Click Create AI Agent to create new AI agent or Edit the existing AI agent
  • Scroll down to the Visibility section and select Visible only to users with tags from the drop down list
  • The User tags section shown up, enter tags that you have just set for specific members at step 1

Assign tags and manage access for individuals in your team

Example: if you want only members with the "developer" tag to access the VSCode Expert agent, add the "developer" tag to that agent.

Assign tags and manage access for individuals in your team

—> Check out other ways to manage AI agents

Chat Models

Now you can restrict the model availability and limit for a certain group of users. The detail guideline is available at Usage and Limits.

Plugins (coming soon)

The option to restrict plugins for certain users is not available now but it will be released real soon. In the mean time, you can take a look at these current options to manage plugins.